A Solid Foundation is key for Success!!

Have you noticed your child struggling with their reading?

Our Team at Reading Fundamentals are the right people to help your child get back on Track. We strive to help bridge the gaps while making reading fun!

Utilizing our traditional reading program as well as a Neuroscientific program, Cellfield, we are able to help students who:

Struggle with Reading, Spelling and responding in written form.

Have dyslexia.

Have poor Phonological Awareness.

Struggle with Comprehension and problem solving.

Struggle Retaining read information.

Have difficulty completing time based tasks such as exams.

Need to Bridge the gaps formed as a result of other varying challenges.

About Us

What you should know

Reading Fundamentals has been committed to assisting students with reading challenges for 10 years.

We work in a positive, homely environment, where students can feel relaxed, and where they are continually encouraged and nurtured. Our professional, passionate and empathetic team of facilitators are carefully selected and trained to instil a positive and confident attitude towards all areas associated with reading.

At Reading Fundamentals we offer two options of remediation:

Traditional Reading Intervention.

The Cellfield Neuroscientific Reading Intervention Programme (a scientific programme researched and developed in Australia).

Initial psychometric evaluations are undertaken to assess areas of weakness in reading and comprehension; and to assist us in evaluating and recommending a desired course of intervention for the student.

As is often said; “From Grades 1 to 3 we learn to read, and from Grade 4 upwards we read to learn.” It is therefore vitally important that the basic skills associated with reading become an automatic function as quickly as possible.

It is vitally important to remember that a challenge in reading and comprehension skills affects all subjects, not only English.

If a child’s reading does not progress at the required annual rate of 12 months, a reading gap develops, and widens each year. Students then fall further and further behind, and are continually playing ‘catch-up’. This widening gap affects all academic areas, often resulting in a decrease in confidence, frustration, and the belief that they will never achieve their goals.

It is therefore our goal to assist in bridging these gaps, and to strengthen reading and comprehension skills, so that our students can feel confident, and are able to cope at levels required in all academic fields.

Reading is one of the foundation blocks on which all development and learning is built.

Students with reading difficulties have a rate of reading improvement that is persistently below their cognitive abilities. This is because they have problems ‘processing’ the visual symbols of our language into their corresponding sounds and then into meaning.

Cellfield is a UNIQUE, scientifically developed, reading program that bridges this gap. It targets reduced learning ability using not only visual but auditory stimulation.

Scientific evaluations of the program results have shown improvements in:


An Increase of up to 12 Months for younger children to 5 Years for Highschool Students

Decoding Ability

An Increase of up to 6 Months for 7 year olds & 36 Months for Highschool Students

Within the first 2 to 3 weeks of working through the program!!!!


You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book. – Dr Seuss

This programme is suitable for students ranging in age from 5 years to University Level.

Sessions include the following:

An initial English reading assessment is completed (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test and Gray Oral Reading Test) in order to assess a student’s weaknesses, and to determine a relevant level at which to start a student. This covers:

Assistance with phonemic decoding and spelling (visual and auditory skills)

Improvement of eye-span, spatial development, position in space, and listening skills

Eye tracking & reading Speed

Comprehension & Summarising Skills

Problem solving Skills

The programme includes the use of computers, as well as manual exercises.

Time Frame

A maximum of 5 students are accommodated during a session, with between 4 to 5 facilitators assisting. This ensures that students receive individual attention, whilst promoting the ability to concentrate in an environment where there may be background noise and distractions (class environment). This is an important part of the reading intervention.

As students are all individuals, and face varying challenges, it is an ongoing programme, where students are monitored on a weekly basis. However, the average time-frame for the completion of reading intervention is approximately 1 year to 24 months, but depends on the severity of challenges facing students, as well as the overall working pace of students during sessions. Reports are issued periodically, but we are able to give up-to-date feedback to parents at any time.

A Solid Foundation is key for Success!!

Have you noticed your child struggling with their reading?

Our Team at Reading Fundamentals are the right people to help your child get back on Track. We strive to help bridge the gaps while making reading fun!

Utilizing our traditional reading program as well as a Neuroscientific program, Cellfield, we are able to help students who:

Struggle with Reading, Spelling and responding in written form.

Have dyslexia.

Have poor Phonological Awareness.

Struggle with Comprehension and problem solving.

Struggle Retaining read information.

Have difficulty completing time based tasks such as exams.

Need to Bridge the gaps formed as a result of other varying challenges.

Reading Fundamentals has been committed to assisting students with reading challenges for 10 years.

We work in a positive, homely environment, where students can feel relaxed, and where they are continually encouraged and nurtured. Our professional, passionate and empathetic team of facilitators are carefully selected and trained to instil a positive and confident attitude towards all areas associated with reading.

At Reading Fundamentals we offer two options of remediation:

Traditional Reading Intervention.

The Cellfield Neuroscientific Reading Intervention Programme (a scientific programme researched and developed in Australia).

Initial psychometric evaluations are undertaken to assess areas of weakness in reading and comprehension; and to assist us in evaluating and recommending a desired course of intervention for the student.

As is often said; “From Grades 1 to 3 we learn to read, and from Grade 4 upwards we read to learn.” It is therefore vitally important that the basic skills associated with reading become an automatic function as quickly as possible.

It is vitally important to remember that a challenge in reading and comprehension skills affects all subjects, not only English.

If a child’s reading does not progress at the required annual rate of 12 months, a reading gap develops, and widens each year. Students then fall further and further behind, and are continually playing ‘catch-up’. This widening gap affects all academic areas, often resulting in a decrease in confidence, frustration, and the belief that they will never achieve their goals.

It is therefore our goal to assist in bridging these gaps, and to strengthen reading and comprehension skills, so that our students can feel confident, and are able to cope at levels required in all academic fields.

Reading is dreaming with open eyes – Anissa Trisdianty

Reading is one of the foundation blocks on which all development and learning is built.

Students with reading difficulties have a rate of reading improvement that is persistently below their cognitive abilities. This is because they have problems ‘processing’ the visual symbols of our language into their corresponding sounds and then into meaning.

Cellfield is a UNIQUE, scientifically developed, reading program that bridges this gap. It targets reduced learning ability using not only visual but auditory stimulation.

Scientific evaluations of the program results have shown improvements in:


An Increase of up to 12 Months for younger children to 5 Years for Highschool Students

Decoding Ability

An Increase of up to 6 Months for 7 year olds & 36 Months for Highschool Students

Within the first 2 to 3 weeks of working through the program!!!!

This programme is suitable for students ranging in age from 5 years to University Level.

Sessions include the following:

An initial English reading assessment is completed (Woodcock Reading Mastery Test and Gray Oral Reading Test) in order to assess a student’s weaknesses, and to determine a relevant level at which to start a student. This covers:

Assistance with phonemic decoding and spelling (visual and auditory skills)

Improvement of eye-span, spatial development, position in space, and listening skills

Eye tracking & reading Speed

Comprehension & Summarising Skills

Problem solving Skills

The programme includes the use of computers, as well as manual exercises.

Time Frame

A maximum of 5 students are accommodated during a session, with between 4 to 5 facilitators assisting. This ensures that students receive individual attention, whilst promoting the ability to concentrate in an environment where there may be background noise and distractions (class environment). This is an important part of the reading intervention.

As students are all individuals, and face varying challenges, it is an ongoing programme, where students are monitored on a weekly basis. However, the average time-frame for the completion of reading intervention is approximately 1 year to 24 months, but depends on the severity of challenges facing students, as well as the overall working pace of students during sessions. Reports are issued periodically, but we are able to give up-to-date feedback to parents at any time.

You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book. – Dr Seuss